Raj, a seasoned travel writer and Bermuda destination expert, has extensive global travel experience. This website reflects his profound insights, garnered over nearly two decades of dedicated findings and research on the island. Raj has assisted countless Bermuda-bound visitors by providing direct, personalized responses to their queries and imparting his wealth of knowledge through this platform. This site serves as an indispensable guide for those seeking informed and reliable insights into Bermuda's treasures.
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Visitors' Reviews and Comments
Carlos Gray (February 2020)
Hello Raj, I have been following your thread helping EXPATS for about 4 years now. I have been trying constantly to find work in Bermuda with no luck. I understand how hard it is to get a job in Bermuda trust me, so that's not what I'm worried about. I would like to know if you can point me in the right direction so that I may apply for 'reside and seek employment'.
I am currently (recently) engaged to a Bermudian that I met in high school, went to college with, and dated for the last 9 years. Who would I need to speak to in order to get the process going. We plan on being married April 2021. A job will definitely come after we are married.. My worry is that as I apply for jobs I won't be given type of priority unless I have permission to reside and seek. My future employer would only have to pay for a year's worth for a work permit as we will be getting married soon.
Raj ( February 2020
Hello, suggest you go through Bermuda Government's page that deals with residence application. 'Reside and Seek Employment' requires an application form to be filled up and submitted to the Department of Immigration along with other applicable documents.
However, before you do that it would be a good idea to communicate with the department and clarify all matters including eligibility, documents required, the time it takes, how to check status etc. Phone number and email are also given in the above mentioned link.
Sandy (November 2019)
Hello Raj, I got job opportunity in Bermuda as a waiter in one of the casual dining restaurant in Southampton. the salary offered weekly is 400$ and after the tax deduction which is 75$ plus 17% gratuities. The gratuities they are mentioning that I will be getting 800 to 1000$ a week in busy season, and 500 to 700$ in low season. I would like to know after my very basic accommodation, transportation, food and other basic facilities how much I will be able to save. I will be very thankful for your suggestions and advice in my career growth.
Raj ( November 2019
Hello, based on the figures you have provided, your annual pay would be around $50K (could be less if the gratuities do not work out as quoted). When you say 'very basic accommodation', I do not know what that means... if you are able to share a low budget accommodation with someone then you might be able to save about $15-20K per year.
Wilson Dias (February 2019)
First of all a great site for us to acknowledge about all jobs and the right information we need to get jobs. Just wanted to ask if I can get a job in hotel industry as a Chef or cook. I have more than 4 years working experience, a diploma and a 3 apprenticeship in the same field. What are thoughts on this? What should I do to get a job in Bermuda. Please reply. Thanks
Raj ( February 2019
Hi, your best option would be to go through recruitment agencies who specialize on placements in Bermuda. I have listed several of them on my website. You should also keep a watch on the jobs advertised on Bermuda Job Board.
Laila (July 2017)
How do you know if a position is open to applicants outside Bermuda?
Raj ( July 2017
All jobs except the ones that belong to 'Closed' or 'Restricted' categories are open to foreigners provided no eligible Bermudians are found for the jobs. Bermuda citizens, if eligible, are always given preference over foreign nationals. Closed and Restricted categories are already explained in my site.
Mark (March 2017)
Hi Mr. Raj. My wife and I want to apply and work in Bermuda, but I overheard that husband and wife are not allowed to work, that is true? Please give some good information about that. We currently reside in Cayman island and I work as cook, my wife currently working as server but in different company. Please clarify so we can start searching available jobs for us. Thank you.
Raj ( March 2017
Both of you can work, but both of you need separate work permit (issued by Bermuda Immigration against application from employers) to work in Bermuda.
Adam Luto (August 2015)
Hi, I am hoping you are able to help me. I am considering moving to Bermuda to find work in the tourism industry. I currently work as a front office manager of a hotel in a ski resort in Whistler, BC, Canada and I was wondering how easy it is to find work in the hotel sector. I am a British citizen and so I shouldn't have any issues with needing visa's etc. I love everything that I have read about horseshoe bay but I am wondering if there is still tourism during the winter months and subsequently a need for hotel staff during this time. Similarly any information that you can offer on the average cost for accommodations in these popular tourist hotspots would be greatly appreciated.
I realise that this is not the usual place to find these answers however I saw that a gentleman called Raj had been very kind and helpful with peoples questions on the previous page and even the smallest amount of information would be greatly appreciated. Warm Regards and thank you in advance,
Raj ( August 2015
Hi, In order to work in Bermuda, all foreigners including British citizen would require a work permit. Once a job is offered to a foreigner, the employer has to apply for this work permit and it is issued by the Department of Immigration. Hospitality sector in general is open to foreigners except for seasonal hiring which has certain special conditions to it. Winter (November to April) is the low tourist season in Bermuda. Cruise season ends in early November, and number of tourists comes down drastically. So seasonal hiring usually does not take place in winter.
In order to apply for a longer term job, your best option is to go through a recruitment agency that cater to Bermuda market. You will find information about such agencies here. I have also discussed the cost of living and various cost components in this link.
Prasad Naik (October 2014)
Hi, I am a chartered Accountant from India. I have experience in audit with Big 4 companies in India. I am searching for job in Bermuda for last 1 year. I forwarded my CV to many recruitment agencies. But no response. How to go about? My experience and knowledge is sufficient to work in Bermuda as I have worked with IFRS. Please advise.
Raj ( October 2014
Hi, you need to keep pursuing with the agencies and also look for jobs in Bermuda's daily Royal Gazette (online version). Make sure that agencies have recorded your resume. You will then need to wait patiently till the opportunity comes up. Remember that although you may be eligible, there must be a situation where no eligible Bermudian is available for the job which can then go to a foreigner, and then you must have the best credentials out of all foreigners pitching in for that job in order to get an offer.
John (March 2014)
Hello Raj, Thank you very much for the rich content you provided about Bermuda on this site. I am an IT Professional and have been made an informal offer of Gross 96K, Net 85K. Reallocation costs for 1 month rent, plane ticket etc. My wife would also move with me. She's been working in the bank for the past 7 years and has an HR degree. My wife and I are both 32. We are generally conservative with the usual movies and dinner let's say twice a month. The intention is for us to try to get a job for my wife. With 85K take home, can we afford a fairly good quality of life and save? Would 4K a month be sufficient? I would like to save 3K but 2.5K would be fine to make it 4.5K on expenses. Would it be difficult for my wife to get a job in her field or similar? She is also interested in Geriatric Care. Thank you very much in advance.
Raj ( March 2014
Hi John, Firstly congratulations for getting a job in Bermuda! To your question whether you can save about 2.5K out of 7K per month.... with two of you, it won't be easy but possible, and mostly will depend on what kind of apartment rental you take, how much you spend on outside food etc. Likely you will need to settle with a 1-room studio. Go through the Cost of Living to know all components of costs in Bermuda and see where you can cut the corners. Banking and HR jobs usually require knowledge and experience of country specific practices and norms. So if your wife has that, it won't be much difficult. She may not get one immediately, but eventually she will.
Catherine, Santiago (February 2014)
I just want to ask if it is possible that I can work in a Bermuda as a nurse while my husband is working as a kitchen assistant in Bermuda now? Is there any problem if we work together in Bermuda because I heard that husband and wife cannot work together in Bermuda. Thank you.
Raj ( February 2014
You can also work in Bermuda, but you will need to get your own work permit from your employer, which you should ideally get before you reach Bermuda. You can not get a job on your husband's work permit. As a spouse of a working expat, you can also apply for a separate job in Bermuda. But it is better to get a separate job and a work permit before arriving in Bermuda rather than trying to search for one while in the island.
John Brown (January 2014)
I am an experienced professional with at least 7+ years experience and a bachelors degree (in a technical area). My potential employer is offering me the following package:
Salary = ~$72,000.00/year
Housing Allowance = $2,200.00/month (employer pays)
Social Insurance = $30.80/day (employer pays 90%)
Health Insurance = ~$80.00/day (employer pays 90%)
Employment Tax = 3.5% Gross Salary
Pension Plan = 5% (this would be voluntary, I think it's best I avoid this)
I am expecting to be working in the Washington Mall, Church Street area. My employer is not offering any allowance for day-to-day transportation. Can you tell me what do you think of the above offer? I am thinking of asking to make the salary an even $80k. Is it ok/convenient to take public transportation to travel between home and work?
Raj ( January 2014
Hi, this is an average package. $80K - $90K would be better than average. Public transportation (bus and ferry) in the island is very convenient. Buy a monthly or quarterly transport pass which gives you unlimited hop on/off access to both buses and ferries.
Chris Infelise (August 2013)
I am interviewing for a job at the Bermuda Hospitals board as a medical transcriptionist. Since I am currently in the United States residing I have been reading it could take months before the work permit is issued. When should I look for any apartment that would be fairly reasonable for myself and my husband. Also my husband is in Italy, but would be joining me down there. Would there be a problem since he was deported from the United States in 2003.Though he is a model citizen in Italy for the past 10-1/2 years. He has already been to Nassau with no problems whatsoever. We thought Bermuda would be the perfect place to start and have our children come to visit from time to time. Any information you can give us on a relocation move like this would be appreciated. Are some apartments furnished? If not where can I get furniture, etc. Do I look for an apartment now or wait until I receive an offer. Thank you for all your help in advance.
Raj (, August 2013)
Hi, Your job offer should include an initial free guest house accommodation for few weeks. This is generally provided by all employers. Depending on the employer and the role, the initial free stay period can vary from 2 to 8 weeks. Once you arrive, you should then start looking for your own apartment during this period. There are both furnished and unfurnished apartments available for long term rent in Bermuda. You can find an accommodation in several ways - from the classified adverts in Bermuda's daily Royal Gazette, or by going through a real estate agency (which can be a more expensive option). The best is to find an accommodation by word of mouth or through your office HR Department. I don't see any problems for your husband joining you in Bermuda.
Melissa St-Louis (July 2013)
Hello, my name is Melissa and I'm French Canadian. I started some research about a job in UK overseas. I'm on my way to get my WHV UK. I read than Bermuda is an island from UK. I would like to know if I can have a job with this working-holiday-visa UK, if it easy to find a job and a cheap apartment. My boyfriend is British so he's not suppose to have any problem to get there for a job. Do you have some information about more UK oversea island we can work and live there with a cheap apartment? About the salary, can you tell me what is minimum salary? When is the time for the hurricane, is it very bad (we need to leave the island) or it's more in Cuba (the wind is it in the beginning so just a lot windy or everything is destroyed) thank you for your time and for the information :) It's really appreciated
Raj (, July 2013)
Hi, All non-Bermudians (i.e. non citizens of Bermuda including British) require work permit to work in Bermuda. Although Bermuda is part of British Overseas Territory, it's an autonomous country and has it's own laws and regulations. British laws are not applicable in Bermuda. Once you get a job, the employer makes an application for the Work Permit on your behalf. Only after you get the work permit you can move to Bermuda and work (and after getting necessary visa). There is no other way to work in Bermuda.
There is nothing cheap in Bermuda. In fact cost of living in Bermuda is one of the highest in the world. Check out the following links for more information:
Official hurricane season is from June to November. But severe hurricanes are rare. The island is well prepared to handle hurricanes most times. Regards,
Zhixing Zhang (May 2013)
Hi, I'm a spouse to a work permit holder who recently moved to Bermuda. I'm wondering if there's any restrictions or provisions for spouse working as an offsite worker in non-Bermuda company. Basically my company (in US) wants to keep contract with me while we move outside of U.S, and I won't be doing any local jobs in Bermuda. I want to make sure it doesn't violate any Bermudian provisions. Thanks for your advise!
Raj (, May 2013)
Hi, As long as you are not taking up a job in Bermuda or competing with a Bermudian for a job, there should be no problem. Please reconfirm this with the Bermuda's Department of Immigration.
Joan Charles (April 2013)
Hello, I just have a quick question. I want to work in Bermuda but if for any reason I had to leave the country before my contract ended, what would happen? Many thanks
Raj (, April 2013)
You should come to a mutual understanding and agreement with your employer. Otherwise the legal terms of the contract would come into force and you may also lose all your settlement amount.
Joan Charles (April 2013)
Thank you Raj for your help. Another question I have is do you know how much the employer pay for the work permit for the employee, as that is what I would have to pay back if I left before the year end.
Raj (, April 2013)
Hi, It depends on the term or validity period of the work permit. Currently a 1-year work permit fee is $800, 2-year $2000, 10-year $15,000 etc.
Hi, First of all, thank you very much for all the information about Bermuda you have gathered in your website. My husband has 12 years of experience in the software industry, last 8 years have been in ASP .NET Web development. We currently live in Argentina, but would be interested in working temporarily in Bermuda. Our country, is undergoing a recession, and we're looking for new horizons, at least until this difficult times are over. I would really like to receive some feedback regarding the IT industry in the island. I have some relatives who have worked in accountancy there, for Deloitte, HSBC and ING. But no one to guide us specifically for this field. Are there any opportunities? Who could we contact? Thanks so much in advance for all your valuable feedback!
Raj (
Hi, Check out Bermuda IT Jobs for IT Job market in Bermuda and how to apply.
About marrying a Bermudian, you need to know that if you decide to leave your partner after settling in Bermuda and have found a job, does not make your stay secured. Once you leave your Bermudian partner you will be sent out of the island by immigration, since that is considered a fraud. So do not marry a Bermudian to take convenient means.