Holy Trinity Church Bermuda
Located in Hamilton Parish and on a beautiful settings overlooking the
Harrington Sound water area, Holy Trinity Church is one of the oldest churches in the western hemisphere. Some parts of its building dates back to 1660 - 1670 and is considered the oldest existing church in Bermuda.
Holy Trinity Church Bermuda
Photo: Malcom Manners, flickr
This Anglican church was originally built with stone and had a palmetto thatched roof. In the earlier days the church was known as Hamilton Parish Church. In 1826 it was re-consecrated and renamed as Holy Trinity Church. Over the initial years, the church had to withstand several natural disasters like hurricane strikes, and went through many repairs and renovations. In early 1700s, a hurricane destroyed its original palmetto thatched roof which was then replaced with Bermuda lime stones.
The first major structural changes to the building was done in 1834 when the south porch was added and later after 10 years, the church was extended towards western side.
Seafaring had a major economic role to play during those days which is clearly visible by the use of ship-knees in construction of the roof and the doors. In 1895, a new bell was added as well.
One of the most notable features of Holy Trinity Church is the use of beautiful stained glass windows that were installed in 1890s. There are 28 of them, most of which are English although there is one which came from Canada. There area five pieces of stained window glasses that were designed by the famous artist Sir Edward Burne Jones. This is considered as the best ever collection in the world from his work on stained glasses.
Inside the church
Photo: Malcom Manners, flickr
Intricately carved high Altar was installed in 1873. The mahogany pulpit was created by a local artist. Some of the other great furnishings in the church includes an organ built by Bevington in 1892 and a bronze baptismal font created in 1971 by the resident sculptor Vicenzo Gallucio.
The original stone font of 1849 is placed at the churchyard. The church also has some great collections of silver. The oldest piece is a tankard that dates back to 1677. As you go around the churchyard outside, there are beautiful rose gardens and palm trees.
There is a graveyard and it has stones bearing names of the prominent families of that time many of whose descendents still live in the island.
Holy Trinity Church Bermuda
Photo: Malcom Manners, flickr
There is a Sunday service at 10:30am and the average attendance is about 110. On the first three Sundays of the month there is a Sunday School and Nursery. On the last Sunday of the month a family communion service is held where the children stay back and join the service.
A meditation group meets every Monday evening at 6:30pm for 20 minutes of meditation. On Wednesday mornings, a short service is held followed by a light breakfast.
Location and Contacts
The church is located on Trinity Church Road in Hamilton Parish. Bus routes #3, 10, and 11 have stops close by and it takes about 7-8 minutes walk to reach the church from the bus stop.
The buses can drop you either at the junction of Harrington Sound Road/Wilkinson Avenue or on North Shore Road opposite to Trinity Church Road.
Postal Address: Holy Trinity Church, PO Box CR 186, Hamilton Parish, CR BX, Bermuda.
Phone: 441/293-5366 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00am -12.00noon)
Email: holytrinitychurch@logic.bm
Road Map
By Raj Bhattacharya
Raj, a seasoned travel writer and Bermuda destination expert, has extensive global travel experience. This website reflects his profound insights, garnered over nearly two decades of dedicated findings and research on the island. Raj has assisted countless Bermuda-bound visitors by providing direct, personalized responses to their queries and imparting his wealth of knowledge through this platform. This site serves as an indispensable guide for those seeking informed and reliable insights into Bermuda's treasures.
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